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-->   Friday, FEBRUARY 21st, 2014 @ doors 6:30 PM, presentation 7 PM SHARP


An evening with JOE WEIL




















Liminality! Vaudevile! Parlor music!: how to make A students less annoying: a study in pre-standard art and parlor culture with possibly Marco Munoz Jaramillo as artist (he’s from Ecuador) , Alex Horspool as a sax player (he’s from England)) Emily Vogel (means bird in German) and Joe Weil (distant relative to Simone Weil– very distant) and art supplies in case you want to do something while they do something. There might be art. There might be music. There will be Responsorial  poetry (just a little) and a wood stump that is bleeding a strange red dust. Come play with the dust and talk about the revival of something beyond the pinched harmonics of No child left with a Mind. Feel the chaos. Shape it toward order! Mourn its entropy into the random. Joe Weil is a a poet and former teamster shop steward, currently an assistant professor, of Creative Writing and Rhetoric at Binghamton University. Emily Vogel is a poet who mated with him. Marco is a painter and photographer who has been Weil’s friend since 4th grade. Alex is a student of Joe’s but wise enough to major in Bio chemistry.



Video(s) from event:































Photos from event:



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